Innuos Multiroom
As of Sense Update 3.2 it is possible to use the Innuos Sense app to create and control a grouped multiroom music system using two or more Innuos streamers and can also include Squeezelite compatible streamers.
These instructions will outline the optimal way of setting this up.
- A main Innuos system in Standalone mode, running Sense v3.2 or later (ZEN Mk3 series, PULSE series, STATEMENT series, ZEN/ZENith Next-Gen)
- One or more additional Innuos systems set to Sense Endpoint mode (requires Sense v2.2 or later), or any streaming device with SqueezeLite player support.
Ensure all your systems are powered on and connected to the network, and are successfully found through the Sense app.
1. Firstly, you should decide which Innuos system will function as your primary STANDALONE system – this will be the one you connect to and control, and from where music will be sent out to your other endpoints.
If you have an Innuos music server which contains your main music library, then this would be the natural choice.
This will be the central library from which you save favourites, build playlists, make backups, import music, and generally manage your music collection.
This should be set to INNUOS STANDALONE which is the default mode the system runs in. You can confirm this in the Sense app, under SYSTEM -> SETTINGS -> SYSTEM MODE.

2. For each remaining Innuos system that you wish to be an endpoint player, connect to it through Sense app and put into Sense Endpoint Mode:
- In the Sense app, go to the SYSTEM tab.
- Select INNUOS ENDPOINT, then select SAVE

Naming Endpoints
Your Innuos endpoint streamers should also be renamed for easier identification. To do this:
- In the Sense app, go to the SYSTEM tab.
- Go to AUDIO
- Use the EDIT function (as represented by the ‘pencil icon’) to edit the name of the Player Output

- Enter a new name of your choice, then select the tick/checkmark to apply.

- Repeat this process for each Innuos streamer you plan to use as an ENDPOINT.
- Once all Endpoints have been configured, use Sense app to navigate back to your main STANDALONE system.
Now when you tap on the Player name at the bottom of the screen (or found in the Now Playing screen if using a smartphone), you will be presented with a list of all your available endpoints under ‘Audio Players’. From here, you can choose individual players to output to when playing music from your library.

Innuos & UPnP Streamers – Innuos – High-Fidelity Digital Music Servers and Streamers
Please note that UPnP streamers cannot be grouped into multiroom audio through Sense app, this function is only available with Innuos devices and streamers that support SqueezeLite.
It is now possible to group 2 or more Innuos (and SqueezeLite) streamers into groups to achieve synchronized multiroom audio.
- Select your player output in Sense app.

2. This will bring up your list of available endpoints.

3. Select GROUPS. This will give you the option create a new group.

4. Select which players you would like to add to the group – your selections will be highlighted in gold to indicate they have been chosen. Press SAVE when you have finished choosing your desired endpoints.

5. On the next page, you will be able to give a name to this group, and if you would like to synchronise volume so that all endpoints match their volume to your main standalone system.

- You will then be returned to an overview of your groups, where you can do the following:
- Rename the group
- Synchronise volume
- Remove an endpoint from the group by selecting the ‘X’ beside the player name
- Add additional players to the group
- Delete a group entirely
- Create another group through the ‘+’ icon in the top corner