The PhoenixUSB Reclocker takes the USB signal from any source and completely regenerates it to an extremely high-precision signal to feed into your DAC, allowing it to perform at its best.


      EUR € 3 599

      GBP £ 3 249

      USD $ 4 349

      CAD $ 5 699


The PhoenixUSB offers in one unit the equivalent of 3 separate components: A USB regenerator, a linear power supply and an external master clock with its own linear power supply.

Innuos applied 3 main design approaches learning from their experience with the Innuos flagship music server, the STATEMENT:


The USB chip regenerating the signal contains no switching regulators. All 3 independent voltages to the chip originate from an independent linear power supply with further regulation provided by 3 sets of LT3045 regulators.


The use of a 3ppb OCXO clock running directly at 24MHz and connected via a board track just a couple of inches away from the USB chip. Therefore, no precision is lost within cables and connectors, as is the case when using an external master 10MHz clock with an additional 24MHz clock generator.


Two independent Statement-level linear power supplies, one dedicated to the OCXO clock and the other used for powering the USB chip/5V USB line.



Mains Supply 230V AC / 115V AC – 2x Internal Linear Power Supply
Power Consumption 3W idle, 7.5W peak


Dimensions 215mm x 342mm x 87mm (W x D x H)
Weight 5 Kg
In the box PhoenixUSB Reclocker
Mains Cable
USB Cable
Getting Started guide


HiFi Knights

The Ear – Best of the year

The Ear – Editors Choice

HiFi Einsnull


Audio Bacon

Audio Pig – 5 Hearts


HiFi Pig - Five Hearts Award

“The sonic contrasts are more apparent and more substantial than I sometimes get going DAC to DAC – the gain in bass heft and density, the widening of image, and that sharpening of focus and heightened energy at the top end make this a must-have in my system and having it as a standalone component means I can use it regardless of future changes to DAC or source. It really has changed my opinion of just how much improvements in “secondary” areas of hi-fi can bring to the overall outcome.”

Alan McIntosh, HiFi Pig

Fairaudio – Fairaudio’s Favorite Award 2021

“…mit dem Innous PhoenixUSB Reclocker eine Transformation des „digitalen Klangs“ in Gefilde „analoger Natürlichkeit“ stattfindet – hin zu einer stressfreien, feiner gezeichneten und souveräner wirkenden Darstellungsweise” – Fritz I. Schwertfeger, Fairaudio

The PhoenixUSB Reclocker receives Fairaudio’s Favourite Award 2021 for, “transforming the “digital sound” into a realm of “analog naturalness..”


(German language)

Audio Bacon – Finest Cuts Award

“It becomes clear that this component is more of a necessity than an accessory. This is the case even for casual listening” - Jay Luong, Audio Bacon – Sep. 2020
Audio Bacon awards the PhoenixUSB Reclocker with its “Finest Cuts” Award because, “The result is sound you could feel.”

Jay Luong, Audio Bacon

The EAR – Editors Choice + Best of 2020 awards

“The PhoenixUSB delivers the best sound I’ve heard with a USB connection to date.” Jason Kennedy, The Ear – July 2020
The PhoenixUSB Reclocker is awarded The Ear’s Editors Choice Award and The Ear’s Best of 2020 as it, “significantly enhances timing and definition so that instruments become more solid and coherent and the soundstage deepens.”

Jason Kennedy, The Ear

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